Kawayu Onsen Public Foot Bath(川湯温泉街の足湯)

A steaming, atmospheric hot spring foot bath

Onsen steam floats through Kawayu’s streets and buildings, and also in the nearby Kawayu River Garden, a popular resting stop that touches the heart and soothes the soul of the weary traveler. With a bench to sit on and a roof above your head, you can enjoy the medicinal properties of this natural foot bath whilst gazing at the white steam drifting over the river towards the center of town. Also popular with the locals, the tingling sensation of the acidic waters on your feet warm your whole body and revive your senses.

~Information on use~
・Wipe your feet with a towel before use
・Bring a small towel and bath towel with you
・Do not use any bathing products such as soap. etc.



Hot spring categorization Acidic・Sulfuric・Iron(Ⅱ)-sodium-sulfate・salt spring




  1. WAKKA BBB(ワッカBBB)

  2. Pension Gasthof Papilio Guest house(ペンション ガストホフ ぱぴりお)

  3. Onsenminsyuku New Hatoya(Guest house)(温泉民宿 ニューはとや)

  4. Kamenoyu(亀乃湯)

  5. Asanebou(旅・人・宿 あさ寝坊)

  6. Mt.Io Rest House(硫黄山レストハウス)

Teshikaga Live Camera
